Are Women Actually Better Wine Tasters? Let's Talk About the Science

Mar 09, 2025

Hi Wine Friends,

Happy Week Two of Women's History Month! Today’s newsletter is going to get a little personal—in a hormonal, menstrual cycle-related way. So, ladies, you’re in the right place. And gents, stick around! You might learn something interesting about the women in your life, especially when it comes to who to trust (and when) for the best wine opinions. 😉 We’re diving into a fascinating, hotly-debated topic: Are women inherently better wine tasters?

You might have heard this idea floating around, and it's definitely something that gets people talking. I’ve been digging into the science and it turns out that hormones can influence our senses in pretty remarkable ways...

The Science Behind the Senses

Have you ever noticed that sometimes smells just seem stronger, or that you're more sensitive to them? This can happen because our hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, affect our sense of smell. This likely has an evolutionary basis. When a woman ovulates, she might be more sensitive to certain scents to help her find a partner her body is compatible with and, during pregnancy, her sense of smell might be heightened to help choose healthy foods and protect the baby.

Here's a quick hormone rundown: When your period starts (day 1), estrogen is low, but it gradually increases as the week goes on, therefore making your sense of smell more heightened. This sensitivity often peaks from days 9 to 15 (ovulation) as estrogen rises and eventually spikes. During this time, you might notice more subtle scents but also find some smells suddenly overpowering.

After ovulation, progesterone levels rise. This can make you more sensitive to the smell of high-fat foods – maybe that's why those cravings kick in! This is because our bodies are smart, preparing us for potential pregnancy and the need for extra calories. In short, heightened smell occurs from days 8-15 and then again from days 19- 22, when estrogen is at her highest.

Beyond Biology

So, considering all this hormonal fluctuation, could this actually give women an edge when it comes to tasting wine? It's certainly an intriguing thought, and the science is increasingly pointing in that direction. Studies show that women possess, on average, 43% more olfactory neurons than men, suggesting a potential for heightened sensitivity to smells. This isn't something acquired over time; women are born with this pre-wired ability, which some researchers believe evolved to strengthen reproductive behaviors like pair bonding and kin recognition.

Now, does this mean women are inherently better wine tasters? Not necessarily. Wine tasting is a complex skill that involves much more than just a good nose. Experience, knowledge, and the ability to articulate what you're sensing are all critical components, and these are things that can be learned and developed by anyone, regardless of gender. I've seen firsthand how men can possess naturally incredible palates. My brother Gabe, for instance, has never taken a wine class, but can pull aromas out of a glass with uncanny accuracy.

However, the scientific evidence does suggest that women may have a natural advantage when it comes to olfactory sensitivity. This biological edge, combined with training and experience, can lead to exceptional wine tasting abilities. Ultimately, 'better' is subjective. What one person considers a great wine, another might not. And different people will pick up on different notes and aromas based on their personal experiences and preferences. When we talk about women and wine tasting, I think it's less about who's 'better' and more about recognizing the unique perspectives and experiences that women bring to the table. 

What are your thoughts?

Have you gals noticed a difference in your sense of smell or taste at different times of the month? Do you think there's any truth to the idea that women might have a biological advantage in wine tasting? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences! And men, maybe start paying more attention to your female friends' tasting notes… 😉

Cheers to celebrating women in all their complexity,



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